
Prepare for the Inner Journey! – Session One: Faith – Self Guided

Gayan Macher - Pre-Recorded 5 hours video
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At a Glance

In this 4-part series, we will focus on four “soil conditions” essential for spiritual transformation.

Session One: Faith – Faith in the power of the path, with total confidence in your spiritual destiny.

  • Time: On your own time
  • Duration: 5 hours video
  • Format: Zoom
  • Teacher: Gayan Macher
  • Eligibility: open to all
  • Questions? Contact us for questions about registration, eligibility and scholarships.

All creation unfolds naturally. Only we humans bear responsibility for becoming who we truly are.  Our task is to develop the soil conditions that are receptive to the unfoldment of Divine Being.

In this 4-part series, we will focus on four qualities essential for spiritual transformation.
Each session is an experiential contemplation of one of these:

The heart may be likened to soil. Soil may be fertile or a barren desert, but the soil which is fertile is that which bears fruit.
Hazrat inayat Khan

August 24 Session One: Faith

We explored the experience of Faith.  Not as an abstraction, but as the current of our life on the spiritual path.
When we are in a condition of fulfillment and realization, faith is relevant in its own way.  Yet it is when we feel disconnected, and don’t yet understand, that we most need a power of heart, and positivity of mind, that is called Faith.
Faith can be cultivated. And when cultivated, it will change our life.  We turn our attention toward this force within us.  We recognize that we have a choice, a choice worth working for.
It is faith which determines our success in attaining our ideal. It is faith that uncovers things veiled with a thousand covers. It is faith that attracts things almost out of reach.
Hazrat Inayat Khan

The Practice of Inner Guidance

During the afternoon sessions we practice attuning to guidance. In this process, Gayan works with someone who is in touch with their “burning question”—a heart-felt desire to understand something more deeply. With Gayan’s support, they learn to deepen contact with the light of knowing coming from within, learning to hear the voice beneath incessant thinking. This is done in the presence of the rest of the group.

There is special value in practicing inner guidance in a group setting. On the surface our situations are unique, but as we look further, we recognize an underlying unity in our deepest questions. Secondly, and most importantly, witnesses observe how guidance functions. There are specific qualities we cultivate that are conducive to the revelation of meaning and truth.



Studying with Gayan is a rare opportunity led by one of the wisest and kindest people I’ve ever met. He combines the holy with everyday life in a way that makes it all make sense.
Aila Alice Hardesty

The inspired, masterful, and deeply loving guidance offered by Gayan will take you on a journey towards truly knowing yourself, which is exactly where Hazrat Inayat Khan asks us to go. “To know the self is to know God.”
Elizabeth Normand

Future Sessions:
September 22 – Motive Force – Registration now open
November 23 – Supple Mind
December 15 – Detachment

These four sessions form a cohesive whole. It is ideal to attend the entire series.  Please note, you must register for each session separately.  If you miss a session, Self-Guided video recordings will be available.

For partial scholarships, contact us.

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Gayan Macher

Gayan Macher

Gayan is a companion and guide to those who are called to the courageous path of love. He has practiced and taught the universal Sufism of Hazrat Inayat Khan his entire adult life. In addition, he has studied Buddhist practice, the Diamond Approach, and psychology, where he explored emerging understandings of the formation of the ego.

Gayan leads group retreats and has guided scores of individual students. He collaborated with Pir Zia Inayat Khan in designing Suluk Academy, and taught at Suluk for eight years. Along with Taj Inayat he created Sufi Retreats, and then New Rain, which became laboratories for the process of awakening and spiritual maturation.

A specialty of his work is leading Inner Guidance Groups, a process in which people learn the art of listening to the voice of truth and understanding coming from within.

Gayan also has a 40-year career as a consultant to executives of organizations, having worked with numerous Fortune 500 companies as well as non-profits of all sizes. Being a confidant to people in positions of significant responsibility has given him a front row seat for the study of leadership and human nature.

Among Gayan’s great loves is music. He plays guitar, and as a singer-song writer has recorded two CDs of original songs.

You can listen to this music here >

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9am - 3:30am pacific time
with lunch break tbd
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